
An abrasion wound is normally caused by a sharp knife or razor?

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An abrasion wound is normally caused by a sharp knife or razor? Tue or False?

If bleeding continues through a bandage you have applied, you should apply two further dressings on top after removing the first to check it is in the correct position?

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bleeding continues through a bandage you have applied, you should apply two further dressings on top after removing the first to check it is in the correct position? True or False

Wounds which are torn and irregular such as those caused by barbed wire or machinery are known as lacerated?

First Aid Questions Book
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Wounds which are torn and irregular such as those caused by barbed wire or machinery are known as lacerated? True or False?

An open chest wound should not be covered?

Epilepsy Awareness Trainer Course
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An open chest wound should not be covered? - True or False?

A corrosive poison is one which burns or damages skin/tissues?

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A corrosive poison is one which burns or damages skin/tissues? True or False?

Vomiting should be induced in a casualty who has swallowed a poison?

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Vomiting should be induced in a casualty who has swallowed a poison? True or False?

A tourniquet can be used to stop serious bleeding?

First Aid Quiz Questions

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A tourniquet can be used to stop serious bleeding - True or False?

If a casualty has taken a corrosive poison, should they drink plenty of milk or water to dilute the substance?

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If a casualty has taken a corrosive poison, should they drink plenty of milk or water to dilute the substance? True or False?

In carbon monoxide poisoning, eg exhaust fumes, will the skin will be cherry-pink?

14 firealarm quizquestions
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A major bleed needs to be elevated

train the trainer courses London
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Burns should cooled for at least 10 minutes?

8 panfires quizquestion
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Veins carry oxygenated blood around the body?

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All workplace injuries must be reported

24 healthandsafetypolict quiz
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A stroke victims pulse will be rapid and weak?

cropped dentist 1639683 1280
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The accident book must be filled in if any treatment is given or refused?

2 accidents quiz
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Fractures can only be caused by a direct force?

Secondary Survey
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The normal heart rate for an adult is between 60-90 beats per minute?

First Aid Questions Tel 0333 500 5000
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We should always request an AED if a casualty is unconscious and not breathing normally

9 aed quizquestion
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Paracetamol tablets may be found in a workplace first aid kit

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Amputated parts should be placed directly into ice?

First Aid Questions Book
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RICE is the memory aid for Rest, Ice, Comfortable position and Elevation in the treatment of sprains

Infection Control Quizzes
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The main injury/illness associated with electrical burns is cardiac arrest?

7 firesafety quizquestion 1
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You should hold the tongue on a casualty who is having a seizure to stop them swallowing their tongue?

First Aid train the trainer course
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You should always wear gloves when dealing with a casualty

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If a casualty is having a severe asthma attack, you should get them to breath into a paper bag?

First Aid Quiz Tel 0333 500 5000
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First Aid - True or False Quiz 1 Questions
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