Accredited First Person on Scene Level 3 Award Course

The cost for an individual candidate on the public open courses is £450.00 plus VAT for AoFAQ course.

Accredited First Person on Scene This new AoFA Level 3 Award in the First Person on Scene Intermediate is an up to date qualification underpinned by current practice. It provides learners with the knowledge and life savings skills to assess, manage and treat a patient in a trauma and/or medical emergency and to stabilise the patient for up to forty minutes before the ambulance or pre-hospital care providers arrive.
We also are approved to deliver the Level 4 FPOS Certificate through Pearson Edexcel but this is a larger 77 contact hours whereas the Level 3 Award First Person On Scene Intermediate through the (AoFA) is a shorter 30 hours but both are recognised by SIA.
The qualification is regulated by the government department Ofqual and is clinically endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, Faculty of Pre-Hospital (FPHC) Care and meets the Level 3 FPHC Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine Skills Framework. It is further approved by the Association of First Aiders, On completion of the qualification, the learner will be eligible to apply to the Faculty of Pre Hospital Care for Level 3 membership.

There is NO pre Entry requirement for this course

The syllabus of the training is:-

  • Pre-Hospital Environment
  • Patient Assessment
  • Airway Management
  • Basic Life Support (BLS)
  • Defibrillation AED Training
  • Circulation & Shock
  • Medical and Trauma Emergencies
  • BLS Child & Infant
  • Fractures & Dislocations
  • Use of Oxygen
  • Head Injuries
  • C Spine immobilisation
  • Role Play scenarios

Assessment is a Multiple Choice question paper and practical assessment by an approved assessor, all those who have reached the required standard will be issued with a Certificate which is valid for 3 years.

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 Accredited Train the Trainer course

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To BOOK NOW just click on any DATE at your preferred LOCATION or Zoom and it will link to the online booking system. Then click on next date and book now, or select further dates and book now. You can also use booking form above or call us on 0333 500 5000.

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