Coming Soon – We are the Accredited Healthcare E-Learning Courses Specialist and have a wide range of Healthcare training courses. Our accredited healthcare online courses will include Infection Control, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Food Safety, Dementia Awareness, Medication Administration, Mental Capacity Act etc. All of our healthcare CPD online accredited healthcare e-learning are fully CPD accredited. You can now gain your accredited courses online, anywhere at anytime. All of our accredited courses have instant access, with quick delivery of awarding body certification and instant delivery of certification for the CPD accredited certification.
Our Accredited Healthcare E-learning course range include the following:

Infection Control E-Learning
Infection Control E-learning course. This course will cover the theory section for the Infection control in care settings, including Covid-19, hand washing, spread of infection etc. All courses are accredited CPD certification with instant delivery on completion of the online assessment.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults E-Learning
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults online learning course. This course will cover the recognising abuse, types of abuse, best practice and reporting. All courses are accredited CPD certification with instant delivery on completion of the online assessment.

Dementia Awareness E-learning
Dementia awareness online learning course. This course will cover the how to recognise dementia, types of dementia, assisting, duties and responsibilities etc. All courses are accredited CPD certification with instant delivery on completion of the online assessment.

Food Safety E-learning
Food Safety online learning course. This course will cover the general food safety courses. All courses are accredited CPD certification with instant delivery on completion of the online assessment.

Medication Administration E-Learning
Medication Administration online learning course. This course will cover the administration of medication training courses. All courses are accredited CPD certification with instant delivery on completion of the online assessment.

Patient Handling E-learning
Safer Moving of People online learning course. This course will cover the patient handling theory section of safer moving of people courses. All courses are accredited CPD certification with instant delivery on completion of the online assessment.
We provide a wide range of accredited train the trainer courses.
We are accredited through the UK Awarding Body SafeCert Awards, Institute of Fire Engineers, IOSH, Members of Backcare, We also have accredited ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems and ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management Systems through ISOQAR.