We specialise in Train the Courses not only for the Emergency First Aid Trainers Course but also many other accredited train the trainer courses. This Emergency First Aid Trainer Course accredited by SafeCert Awards, is for all persons who wish to teach and assess Emergency First Aid at Work Courses to the current HSE standards, as well as some smaller courses such as CPR courses. This Emergency First Aid Trainer Course is accredited through SafeCert awarding body for Training and assessing of Emergency First Aid at Work. The SafeCert accredited under the license Emergency First Aid Trainers (Level 3) Course is over 2 days costs only £295 which will include all trainer resources so that you start teaching without delay to include PowerPoint, Lesson Plans, Handouts and Assessment Forms etc.
If you need to teach or assess the 3 day First Aid at Work Courses to current HSE standards, then you need to complete the First Aid Trainer course and not the Emergency First Aid trainer course. The Emergency First Aid Instructors course includes the following:
- Health & Safety at Work
- Emergency First Aid at Work Update
- First Aid Trainer Teaching Practice
- Participation and Groupwork
- Assessing Emergency First Aid at Work
- First Aid Code of Practice
- Emergency First Aid Teaching Techniques
- Emergency First Aid Trainer Resources
- First Aid Trainer Teaching Practice
- Record Keeping & Administration
Successful candidates will receive an SafeCert Emergency First Aid Trainers Certification that meets the current HSE standards to teach the Emergency First Aid Courses as follows:
- Emergency First Aid (1 day)
- Basic Public First Aid
- Emergency First Aid Update
- CPR Courses
There is also the option of doing the 3th day for the First Aid Trainer course as we arrange all the First Aid Trainer Courses on the 3th day after the Emergency First Aid Trainers Course.

Online Trainer Course Booking Form
Just Click on Your Selected Date Below to BOOK NOW.
We at Abertay hold many public courses around England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland so so just click on the see course dates button below, for First Aid Trainer Courses in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Exeter, Newcastle, Norwich, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Cardiff, Belfast and Dublin, as well as this we can of course do in-house Emergency First Aid Trainer Courses at your venue for your group anywhere in the UK be this in England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland. Candidates for this course must already hold a valid First Aid at Work Certificate that’s meets current HSE standards, have equivalent MOD certificate or be a qualified Nurse (Nurse is except from having a HSE First Aid at Work Certificate).