Accredited NEBOSH Certificate
This NEBOSH National Certificate Course is a 10 day course which is for all supervisors or managers who have a health and safety responsibility or those who wish to develop into this role. The NEBOSH Certificate not only the national standard in health and safety, but is the certification for anyone who wishes to go to the next level and is serious about health and safety. All passing this course will receive the NEBOSH Health & Safety National Certification and the course content includes the following 16 units:
- Health & Safety Foundations
- Organising for Health & Safety
- Risk Assessment
- Movement of People & Vehicles
- Work Equipment Hazards & Control
- Fire Hazards & Control
- Controlling Hazards inc Noise, Radiation
- Incident Investigation, Recording and Reporting
- Policy
- Promoting a Positive Health & Safety Culture
- Principles of Control
- Manual & Mechanical Handling
- Electrical Hazards & Control
- Controlling Chemical & Biological Health Hazards
- Construction Activities – Hazards & Control
- Monitoring, Review and Audit
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Abertay as well as having many public NEBOSH Courses, we can also arrange an in-house course at your venue on your dates for your group be it in England, Scotland, Wales or N/S Ireland. We are also specialists in Trainer Courses so why not get one or more of your staff trained to teach some of the Health & Safety Courses with our Health & Safety Trainers Course.