This RoSPA Level 3 Trainer Award is a Train the Trainer Course for the moving and handling of objects We also provide another course called accredited Patient Handling Trainers Course for moving and handling of people. The accredited 3 day Manual Handling Trainer Course is for all persons who wish to teach and assess the Manual Handling of Objects (If you require to do Patient Client Handling Training, please see our RoSPA Safer Handling People Trainers Course). The Manual Handling Trainers Course include all trainer resources so that you start teaching without delay to include PowerPoint, Lesson Plans, Handouts and Assessment Forms etc.
You can book these public courses in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff or Belfast simply by clicking on the date required and filling in the online booking form. The link will show you the next date, just click on it to book or click on the more dates option to select one of the other future dates. You can even book this course by online live training with your instructor by selecting the Online Zoom Manual Handling Trainer Distance Learning – Learn Anywhere option.

Online Trainer Course Booking Form
Just Click on Your Selected Date Below to BOOK NOW.
The course that we provide covers…
- Principles of manual handling
- Understanding injuries
- Common types of injuries
- Legal aspects
- Key risk factors
- Manual handling risk assessment (MAC and L23)
- Pushing and pulling
- Control and reduction of risk
- Key principles of good handling techniques
- Case studies
Why choose Abertay International Training Ltd?
At Abertay International Training Ltd over the years we’ve trained hundreds of manual handling risk assessment delegates on how to understand the positive benefits of risk assessments and how to conduct these assessments in their own organisation. The manual handling risk assessment course that we provide is ideal for managers, supervisors, instructors and training officers, safety professionals and delegates that have completed the Manual Handling Trainers course. This manual handling risk assessment course will test delegates’ theoretical and practical knowledge of the syllabus, our courses cover across the UK. We are corporate members of Backcare.
We at Abertay hold many public Manual Handling Trainer courses England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, Exeter, Norwich, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Cardiff, Belfast and Dublin so just click on the see course dates button below, as well as this we can of course do in-house Manual Handling Trainer Courses at your venue for your group anywhere in the UK and Ireland or abroad on request.
PLEASE NOTE: If you already have PTLLS or Education and Training Award – Level 3, then you are exempt from day 1 of the course the teaching unit, plus you get 20% off the cost!. Another great benefit of our courses, is after you complete the first train the trainer course you get 20% off all the other 2 or 3 day trainer courses you book.
You don’t already have PTLLS?, or another level 3 teaching award?, then that’s OK, another great advantage of our course is, you can qualify for the FASTTRACT 1 day top up after you complete the course, to gain the new PTLLS award, which is now called the Education and Training Award – Level 3. See the full details in our new Education and Training Award CLICK HERE
Yes you can complete the Manual Handling Trainer course online. There is even an accredited Manual Handling Trainer (Level 3) award which includes a separate teaching award you can complete online over 2 days. The course will include pre-course study with trainer manual and PowerPoint being sent before the course so you can be prepared.
The zoom manual handling trainer course is completed over Zoom live with your instructor. This is a great option as you can complete the course anywhere without any added costs of travel and accommodation. Its easy to book as there are public course dates to click and book your place.
Yes with this course you can! This option of gaining accredited manual handling certificates is only available if you have a teaching award and qualification and or experience in manual handling. Ensure you have a valid recognised manual handling trainer award recognised by UK awarding bodies. Then simple contact one of the awarding bodies for example SafeCert Awards have a easy five step instructions to gain your approval.
Accredited awarding body certification would for example be as follows:
England, Scotland, Wales or Abroad
- SafeCert Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles and Practices
- SafeCert Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles
Northern Ireland
- SafeCert Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles and Practices (RQF)
- SafeCert Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles (RQF)
Manual Handling CPD accreditation is a simply process to gain accredited CPD certification for the persons you then teach. Once you have the qualification for delivering manual handling or have completed a manual handling trainers course, you can then apply for CPD accreditation for the courses you delivery.
There are a number of CPD accreditation bodies including CPD UK, CPD Standards Office, CPD Group or SafeCert CPD. The process to gain approval is you sign up as a centre which is free, then you would sign up for each course or activity you wish to get accredited, for which there is a fee per course approval usually in small monthly payments.
You would then send in the details of the course you wish to be approved with any lesson plans, PowerPoint and assessments you have, so it can be assessed towards accredited CPD Points. CPD Points are equivalent to 1 CPD Point to 1 accredited CPD Hour of activity. Therefore each course will be accredited to the value of points to complete that activity or course.
Accredited CPD course examples are as follows:
- Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Practices (4 CPD Points)
- Manual Handling at Work (3 CPD Points)
- Manual Handling Awareness – Online Course (2 CPD Points)
It all depend on the quality and accreditation which comes with the course. There are unaccredited manual handling trainers courses at low cost but with no standards and no accreditation, the certification would not be recognised by any UK awarding body. The best option is to do an accredited manual handling trainer course from one of the UK awarding bodies. Abertay for example provide a 2 day manual handling train the trainer course at £375 + vat but there are many companies who offer manual handling instructor courses that can be anything up to £700 + vat.
Best practice is to search for a trainer course that is recognised by one of the UK awarding bodies, then you will be assured that the manual handling trainers course has been fully quality assured and assessed for content.