Swimming Teaching Courses
Award in swimming teaching
This is the first of the two courses and qualifies you to teach a group of up to 10 swimmers who can range from complete non-swimmers up to the early improvers standard. The course consists of formal sessions with a tutor where practical teaching and theory sessions will take place. You will also have to complete a series of worksheets and some homework. The assessment of the course is by successful completion of the worksheets, by gaining at least 70% in a formal multiple choice theory paper and by passing a practical teaching examination which is conducted by an external examiner.
We specialise in accredited train courses and also provide many other accredited train the trainer courses.
• 16 years of age or older
• current membership of Swimming Teachers’ Association (STA)
• hold the STA Pool Emergency Procedures or acceptable equivalent
• hold either the STA Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults certificate (available online at Swimming Teachers Association website (opens in a new window)) or acceptable equivalent
Price: £330 per course.
For more information contact Mike Read, on the details below.
Certificate in swimming teaching
This is the second of the two courses and extends the knowledge obtained in the Award course. This qualification allows you to teach groups of up to 20 swimmers who are in the Advanced/Competitive standard and includes the teaching of diving, rescue and survival skills, competitive starts and turns and in depth stroke analysis. Again the assessment consists of worksheets, a theory paper and practical examination. You also need to hold a recognised rescue qualification, a safeguarding children qualification and be a member of the STA.
• 17 years of age or older
• current membership of STA
• hold the STA Pool Emergency Procedures or acceptable equivalent
• hold the STA Level 2 Award in Swimming Teaching or acceptable equivalent
• hold either the STA Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults certificate (available online at Swimming Teachers Association website (opens in a new window)) or acceptable equivalent