
Apart from unconsciousness and not breathing normally which of the following should be regarded as a further indication that a casualty may be in Cardiac Arrest ?

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If a casualty is unresponsive, you tilt the head back and lift the chin in order to....

First Aid train the trainer course
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How many rescue breaths should you give after each set of chest compressions

First Sid Train the Trainer Course
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A chest compession on an Adult should push the chest down to which depth?

Emergency First Aid Trainer
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After giving rescue breaths how quickly should you re commence chest compressions

AED trainer
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Doing CPR on an Adult should be done at which sequence?

First Aid Trainer Course
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The decision to use the AED follows which sequence?

AED and CPR Book Cover
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When a shock is about to be applied what should be done?

London Train the Trainer Courses
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In more than what percentage will an AED correctly prevent a person giving a shock to someone who dosn't need one? will an AED

9 aed quizquestion
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Where should the AED pads be attached?

AED and CPR Trainer Video
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How many shocks should be given in a row and nothing done between these shocks?

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What should you do if a casualty's chest is bathed in sweat?

AED trainer
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What do you do if AED says "No shock advised" and you then find the casualty has signs of circulation but no breathing?

5 firstaidforburns quiz
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What should you do if you are sure a casualty is not breathing, but uncertain if there are signs of circulation?

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What should you do when the ambulance arrives?

Patient Handling Train the Trainer Course
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What does the AED Stand for?

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Current research from shows that if a casualty having a cardiac arrest is shocked with an AED within 2 minutes the chances of survival are...?

time management e-learning
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If the casualty is lying in a pool of water what should you do?

AED and CPR Quiz Tel 0333 500 5000
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Why should a person in cardiac arrest br treated with an AED as soon as possible?

AED and CPR Questions Tel 0333 500 5000
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AED and CPR Quiz - Defibrillation Quiz Questions
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